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Things To Know About Family Laws And Divorce In Texas

Family Laws And Divorce In Texas 1

Navigating Family Laws and Divorce in Texas

Divorce is difficult enough as it is, and being aware of family law in your state can make the process less complicated. Divorce and all other laws related to family in Texas, especially those governing divorce both decree these conscious individual instances significantly different from countless states. The main objective of this blog is to describe some important parts or Key facet related to the Family Law and Divorce issue in Texas.

How Do Texas Laws Work During Divorce in Texas?

1. Grounds for Divorce :

  • Texas is what we call a no-fault divorce state which means either party, without having to point and finger or assign blame, may seek the dissolution of their marriage. They leave out the most common ground for divorce in Texas—which reads, “insupportability”… but no one cares what that means, other than simply a marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict.
  • Adultery Cruelty Abandonment Felony conviction Living apart Confinement in a mental hospital – other grounds for divorce.

2. Residency Requirements:

In order to get divorced in Texas, one spouse must have been a domiciliary of the state for at least six months and a resident of the county where filing is desired for 90 days.

3. Division of Property:

In Texas, the rule of law is to equally divide all marital property (property acquired from thedate of marriage through the divorce) with some limited exceptions. The only exception to this rule is for separate property, such as assets owned before the marriage or acquired by gift or inheritance.

Unlike most other states in Texas there is no equitable distribution — instead, the court will divide community property what it deems “just and right.” This can include things like party’s economic circumstances as well as their contributions to marriage.

4. Child Custody and Support:

In a Texas Divorce, the court will permit both parents to have the best interests of child interactions with their children post-divorce.

Joint and sole custody are both examples of Texas child custody arrangements. In awarding custody, the court shall consider all relevant factors including the needs of a child; court determination of custody and support, and how the parent interacts with his or her children, etc .

Child support in divorce orseparation is a calculation based on the income of the obligor and how many children are being supported documenting stateguidelines. It will usually be paid until the child is 18 or finished high school, if later.

List of Recommended Divorce Lawyers in Texas:

You can use the links below to access attorney lists and profiles, including office addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, of ranked divorce lawyers in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and other cities of Texas:
